Coldwell Banker Realty
Debbie Goldberg, Coldwell Banker RealtyPhone: (203) 506-5846
Email: [email protected]

The basics of baby spinach growing

by Debbie Goldberg 09/17/2023

Of all the leafy greens you can grow in your home garden, one of the most rewarding is baby spinach. Growing spinach from seed is a simple process and perfect for small spaces.

For more information on growing spinach, here is a basic guide to help:

Supplies needed

To grow spinach, you’ll need the following:

  • Spinach seeds.
    • While most varieties of spinach have the same growing process, the best choices for baby spinach are Catalina, Renegade or Bloomsdale.
  • Nitrogen rich potting soil.
  • Several pots or containers at least 12 inches deep by 12 inches in diameter.
    • Spinach plants need at least 6 inches of space between them, so you can grow two full plants in a single container of this size.

    How to grow baby spinach from seed

    1. Loosely fill your container with soil.
    2. Using fingers, a pencil or other small tool, poke four, ½ inch holes into the soil.
    3. Plant spinach seeds in each hole and cover gently with soil.
    4. Place the spinach container somewhere it will remain between 50 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and get at least six hours of sun per day. Supplement with LED grow lamps if you don’t have a sunny spot.
    5. Water the seeds thoroughly, keeping the soil evenly moist but not soggy. To prevent overwatering the seedlings, wait to water again until the top inch of soil is dry.
    6. After 10-14 days, you should have visible leaf sprouts. Once the seedlings have four leaves, they’re ready to be transplanted into their individual containers.
    7. Harvest spinach approximately 40 days after planting. To encourage new leaf growth, only harvest leaves from the outside of the plant, always leaving at least one.
    8. Once your spinach plants are fully grown, you can continue to harvest leaves several more times as it regrows. The key is to never take more than ⅓ of the leaves at one time, as taking more will shock the plant and may prevent the growth of new baby spinach leaves.

    If you use this simple method for growing spinach plants, you’ll have an excellent source of nutrient-rich leafy greens for salads, smoothies and any other dish you prefer.

About the Author

Debbie Goldberg

I'm a full time Realtor with over 30 years of experience yet young enough to embrace today's ever-changing scope of marketing and technology. Having grown up in Connecticut and moved many times (too many to count!) I can empathize with today's buyers and sellers. Strictly maintaining ethical standards and being a fierce advocate on behalf of my clients are things I take very seriously. As a buyer, you can expect me to listen to and evaluate your real estate wants and needs. I can assist in explaining relevant forms, agreements, and closing procedures. I will guide you through the process of finding the right home, negotiating your offer, adhering to all contract dates and terms as well as final walk through and closing procedures. As a seller, I will listen to and evaluate your goals, needs, and timing in order to properly price your home to get the maximum exposure needed to attract the right buyers. In addition to negotiating on your behalf, I will make sure we communicate throughout the entire process as we navigate the contract terms, finance and inspection contingencies, as well as all closing procedures. I was born in Japan, grew up in Hamden and lived in New York, Ohio and Southern California before settling down in New Haven county to raise two kids, two dogs and a cat. I'm passionate about good food and love to bake. Some of my free time has been spent volunteering at Temple Beth Sholom, a synagogue where my family has been members for over 40 years. I also spend time at Tower One/Tower East, an assisted living center in New Haven where my mother-in-law now resides. 30 years of helping buyers and sellers achieve their goals has given me the peace of mind to know that what I do everyday matters. If you are thinking of buying or selling please keep me in mind.